Collection of 200 Kg of garbage from the Nichupté Lagoon

Last Saturday, October 2, we again went out in the kayaks to the Nichupté Lagoon to remove 200 kg of garbage from a part of the mangroves belonging to the Nichupté Mangrove Flora and Fauna Protected Area in the company of Blue Religion @bernardobluereligion and Petgas . Sometimes we meet from 7:00 am and finish around 11:00 am. It was attended by at least 20 volunteers divided into 3 shifts with whom we removed approximately 200 kilos of garbage from the roots of the mangroves and areas of mud and difficult access in general.
Plastic boxes and bags, gasoline cans, shoes, flip-flops, aluminum cans, glass bottles, Styrofoam, plastic bottles, balloons, garbage in general, and even a broken and flooded kayak that had been in the area for months were removed.
It is very easy to realize that most of the garbage is things that are thrown on purpose or things that accidentally fall or fly from boats, from houses in the hotel zone and nobody does anything to pick them up before they go to the lagoon and They end up between the roots of the mangroves.
Information campaigns are needed by the authorities to demand from restaurants, hotels and marinas practices that do not threaten the ecosystems that we have in the Lagoon System and in the Protected Area of Flora and Fauna of Mangroves of Nichupté. local authority to prevent the surroundings of Malecón Tajamar from continuing to be contaminated with solid waste that comes from the people who visit the place.
It is comforting to see that there are more and more people interested in helping with this type of cleanup, however, significant results will be achieved until civil society and local authorities work together to raise awareness and follow up on information programs. , monitoring and cleaning programs in order to have a greater scope on the problem. We don’t need more volunteers to keep picking up trash, we DO need more people to stop littering. We live in a PARADISE, it is everyone’s task to take care of it.
Photos of Tiburon Zavala